imballaggi frutta e verdura

Wrapping is very important within the food industry: for instance we can consider all of the packagings for oven products, pasta, coffee, frozen food, fruits and vegetables .

Various films, in the food industry, should be mainly flexible and aligned to several regulations in order to be efficient.


In the horticultural field, we deal with pre-formed sheets to cut flowers and reels. We also sell conic bags for flowers or pots.


Thanks to their transparency, resistance and waterproof characteristics, the films and plastic wrappings have several uses. For instance, they can be used to cover sticks for frames, in houseware and even as tools in the car industry.

1781663M di bobine / mese
37700Kg di bobine / mese
Metri di bobine da Aprile 2016
Kg di bobine da Aprile 2016
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